Tuesday, April 13, 2010

HW 48

Lindsey Peters wakes up this morning thinking... what the hell am I doing? She quit her big paying shiny job at one of the best law firms in New York weeks before. For months she felt as if her life wasn't going anywhere and she wanted to try to help the world in a different way. She had always had a passion for working with children and had a feeling now was her time. So as she lies in bed for those few moments of peace and quiet in the morning a million thoughts were running through her head. For the first time in her life she had no idea what she was getting herself into but deep down inside she knew something extraordinary was about to take place.

Lindsey's radio alarm clock goes off (inspirational music ?) and she hops out of bed. Walks over to closet and pushes all her charcoal colored suits aside. She pulls out a yellow dress and places on her bed. Camera zooms in on dress. Audience then watches Lindsey as she walks to the train, in her yellow dress. Everyone around seems to notice her and acknowledge her. Film of the subway trains. Lindsey grabs a cup of coffee and a apple at one of the street vendors and heads toward the school.

Lindsey walks into school, it's dark and gloomy. She notices that most of the kids are rowdy and pushy. One of the many security guards spots her and shouts to get her attention. She is then noticed by all the students who look at her like she is an alien. Lindsey is escorted to the main office. The secretary tries to make conversation with Lindsey, she can see that she is nervous.

The secretary tells Lindsey that the Principal is ready for her... Lindsey walks into his office and tells herself that this is all an experience. Something that she lives by, experience is a lesson that will stick with you forever. Normal introductions with principal take place, Lindsey sits down. She then begins to describe to the principal in a very cliche way the reason of why she wants to teach. The principal looks over her resume and after Lindsey is finished with her spiel seems quite confused. Why would a good lawyer change careers to teach to a bunch of kids? In some strange way he is quite intrigued by her story and asks her to start immediately. Her tells her how they are in desperate need of a social studies teacher and he thinks she would be perfect for the job. Lindsey accepts the offer.

The secretary walks Lindsey through what seems to be the longest hallway ever. Small talk takes place and the secretary seems to be hiding something from Lindsey. The walls have nothing on them and the school in general seems very run down. Lindsey doesn't know what to expect from the classrooms. The secretary opens the door to Lindsey's room, there is loud music and shouting coming from it. She steps in the students don't even seem to notice that anyone has even entered the room. The secretary pulls out a whistle and blows it for a good 10 seconds. Finally the students look up from whatever is distracting them. She introduces the students to Lindsey. Then hands Lindsey the keys to the room and shows her where the phone is in case she needs help. Lindsey feels overwhelmed. The secretary leaves.

Lindsey walks over to her desk which is front and center. The students go back to whatever they were doing. She places her apple and coffee on her desk. She then begins to write her name on the board. Ms. Peters. What the hell am I doing continues to run through her mind... She tries to get the kids attention but fails. She pulls out her laptop and turns the volume so high that it over powers the students voices. She is playing Obama's inauguration speech. One kids shouts "Who is this?" She begins to explain to the students what they are listening to until a student in the corner shouts "I don't wanna hear this BS." Lindsey is struck by the comment and before she realizes she looses the students attention. So she stands there in the middle of the noisy classroom with the words of Obama continuing to play from her computer. The bell rings.

Lindsey decides to walk home after a bad first day. She walks by union square and a protest is going on. Suddenly she realizes that she needs to bring experience into these kids lives, maybe that will stick with them.

The next day she goes back with a different attitude than before. She gets the kids attentions with big signs that state different things. She shows them videos of important leaders who protested to get their ideas out there. She asks the kids what messages they want to bring to the world. After class a girl walks up to her desk and tells her that no one ever asks what they think everyone just always expects they know nothing. Lindsey is touched by the girls comment.

We then see the days continue to pass and the students become more and more engaged. No dialogue in this part... (Music Plays - Song undecided) The students truly begin to enjoy her class and finally feel as if their voices are heard more than ever. The whole attitude of the school changes...

A current issue in New York gets brought up one day in class and the students decide they want to protest. Lindsey agrees and proceeds after class to get permission from the principal... He says no because if for some reason violence broke out it would be on him. Lindsey tells the students the situation and they decide to do it behind Lindsey and the principal.

Footage of the protest, in the beginning it is peaceful. Something happens and the student who in the beginning made a nasty comment to Lindsey starts fighting with the police watching them. He gets arrested. Lindsey and the principal find out, and Lindsey gets fired.

The students are very upset that this has happened so a few of them go to the board of education and try to get her re-hired. It works...

Two years go by.... Lindsey is now the principal of the school and 100% of the class she taught has got into at least one college. The girl who made the comment on the first few days of school who opened Lindsey's eyes speaks at graduation. She focuses on experience and how everyone should have a voice in this world. She thanks Lindsey for giving her and her classmates voices.

Lindsey goes to bed that night, thinking that something extraordinary has happened. Movie ends.

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