Monday, March 15, 2010

HW 44

I hate to admit it but I was blown away by what Obama said. Although I am a Obama fan, I am not a fan of the way the education system is set up. I think what he was saying was actually quite inspiring and made me want to push myself to my goals. He ensured us that there is a spot for every single one of us. My only disagreement is if one student goes to a SUNY and the other one goes to an Ivy, who is honestly really going to get the job? I know that Obama wants us all to succeed and become the leaders of tomorrow but I think he forgets that our culture and institutions are so socially divided. The student who had to work a job to support their families throughout High School, and could of got very good grades but didn't have the opportunity to is probably not going to end up at a school like Harvard or Colombia. I would rather have a leader that had experience being normal and not someone who has always been very privileged.

Something very ironic that I realized about the Liberal Arts Education was the school focused on is a very conservative, republican school. Since a Liberal Arts school offers more opportunity to explore a variety of subjects, these students are being influenced to find love in one of them. My point being that wealthy college students are intended on filling positions in both science and the government. It is as if the institutions are planning ahead of who is going to replace the current leaders. So that the rich stay on top and everyone below them does the mediocre work. I mean why is it that the leaders of today feel the need to continue this lifestyle if their not going to be here forever?

Lastly the article I read was "Where the bar ought to be". I was discussing it with Melissa and it seems as if Ms. Kenny has the right idea for education. Instead of turning kids into robots who can spit back information you just clocked into their brains, they actually know how to use them. Her philosophy seems very similar to our school. Being able to take what we learn in the classroom and apply it to what we do in the real world. Being able to communicate with any sort of person regardless of their social class. Are students of the private institutions being taught to live by the same standards? If they are the ones expected to have lifestyles that fulfill these goals is the material being taught to them now really going to help them? Or is it just giving everyone around them the illusion that they have the capability of fulfilling the jobs presented to them?

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