Thursday, March 4, 2010

HW 42

How can you be a good worker in the future, if you can't interact with people in the present?

I think it is disgusting that our social classes and schooling separates us.  The fact that the more privileged end up filling the big guys shoes.  I think something very important learned in school is communication.  I would rather have someone in office who has the experience of working with people who are from different backgrounds, different neighborhoods and different religions.  How can we put someone in office who is used to being around the same race and lifestyle their whole lives?  How they can connect to average people when they consider themselves so elite? 

One of my private school friends refuses to apply to SUNY schools because she claims that she has worked to hard to go to a school that is for average people.  The fact is the people that go to SUNYs and go to public school I truly believe are so much more down to earth and real.  They have a better sense of what goes on in the real world, and understand that you have to work to get to your goals.  If she came to SOF I think she would be really intimated by everyone and wouldn't know how to communicate.  She is used to everyone around her being just like her, and if per say she were to become part of the governmental system how would she be able to connect to this country.  I feel as if private schools train the students to be top leaders of the future but these so called leaders have no idea how the rest of the country runs.  

I think there is a solution to both private and public education.  This is experience.  A memory of something is much more likely to stick with you and turn on and off when needed.  I think by 9th grade you should be able to have a sense of what you would like to do with your life.  Instead of wasting four years in a classroom behind a desk I think the learning should begin in a real setting.  Lets say you were learning something in Biology class about fish, and it was coming out of a text book.  If in four years from then your in college trying to decide what you want to do, and you realize Biology is your calling, are you really going to remember the information from the text book? Or will you remember that morning on the boat when you watched a school of fish swim by and observed them? 

I am not saying that school is completely unnecessary I just think the system needs to be revised.  I don't think it should be so separated and there should be more real life experiences.  I think the fact that SOF has internships makes a little more advanced.  What I do in my internship actually leaves a mark on me and I am learning so much from younger children.  If for all our classes we could go out and explore each subject then it would be easier to figure out what our likes and dislikes are.  

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