Monday, January 11, 2010

HW 32

In my other  post on tattoos I interviewed my friend Ariel and I now conclude that her response is a very typical answer for one sporting a tattoo.  People with tattoos seem to be kinds of people with a lot of excuses.  They get a tattoo because they truly believe it will be make them different but in reality they end up having to proof themselves more to their peers.  What comes along with a tattoo is a lot more than the pain of getting it and the permanent mark of it all of the questionable whys...I believe that people usually question things because they don't understand the purpose of things.  So the attention people assume comes along with getting a tattoo isn't going to be positive.  When I see a tattoo that looks questionable I usually ask the person so why did you get that?  The response usually is blah blah significant blah blah meaningful blah blah I did it for ______ blah blah.  My initial thought is usually they are definitely going to regret that when they are 90 years old.  I don't see them as cooler just because they are oh so very brave and had needles stuck in them I think it looks pointless.
I saw the tattoo that Miley Cyrus just what a joke.  I mean I understand that her friend died from Cystic Fibrosis but with all the money she is earning wouldn't it be more helpful to donate to the organization verses basically advertising them?  Its worse than wearing a shirt with a logo every time she goes swimming she will be a swimming, sun bathing, walking billboard.  That tattoo is going to be stamped on her for the rest of her life!  It doesn't make her a hero or a better person it makes her look like she needs attention.  The attention of her tattoo takes away from why she really got and makes people question her even more.  This also gives the message out to girls who are probably around the ages of 10 - 12 that tattoos are cool and then they beg their parents to become part of this group of people who believe in tattoos.
This whole idea of advertising is just like the concept from the digital unit, we are such a consumer based nation, everything we do is because of something we bought.  We buy our way into everything and buy our way out of everything.  There are a lot of people who buy someone to give them tattoos and then buy another person to remove it.  If someone wants an image on there body use a permanent marker, at least it will come off if you decide 24 hours later when you realize how much you hate it.  I don't think by not having a tattoo it makes someone cooler or uncooler I don't even think about it.  I'm not like wow they don't have a tattoo LOSER! NEVER TALK TO THEM! Or even with people that have tattoos although I may not agree with their decision on purchasing a stamp it doesn't change my opinion of them.  They are just another person who is trying to be a little different than the rest and in reality we are all secretly doing the same thing.  

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