Tuesday, October 20, 2009


“Everything must go.” (Page 299) The last line that repeats over and over again, in till it becomes so small yet leaving you feeling empty. The whole time I was reading this book it gave me a feeling of disgust and sadness. I have a feeling that those are two emotions Anderson was trying to get across. The truth of the matter is slowly our world before our eyes is turning towards the end. My idea for my art project is to make a globe like object but open it up and see all the different layers inside the earth, to the point where there is nothing. That this big world is suddenly just a small dot in the rest of the universe. That we are nothing, that right now at this present moment we are turning into nothing beings. The feeling that once this world used to be so big and mysterious because there was something more beyond our waters and fields but now all of that mystery is gone and we are bored with our lives. We would rather waste it alive than die but what are we doing with our lives by sitting around?

Solution. There really is no solution, in the book, in our world. Even though today people are inventing solar cars, solar energy, more people are realizing they should recycle; the damage has already been done. When will this damage talk full action in moving closer to the end? We already are moving towards the end. That scares me, will it be tomorrow that the world decides to give out, or will it be long after I am gone? No one knows and I think that’s what scares us the most. The thought of not being able to know when it’s going to happen. Even with all of our technology that is the one thing we cannot predict.

I just had a thought; I wonder how many people have read this book. I am sure that if we weren’t so distracted by all of the things going on around us more people would sit down and read. On the subway people don’t even turn pages anymore they have these fancy digital books now. A lot of people don’t even read at all anymore. Maybe that’s the problem we are so distracted by what’s going on around us that we don’t realize what is happening right in front of us. If more people digested this book to come to terms with reality maybe just maybe the end would slowly be farther away. I was reading something a while ago about what makes people live longer, it said if you think positively it has been proven that sometimes people live for at least 7 more years. I guess when you are older and your live isn’t as exciting as it used to be you become depressed. So maybe what the world needs to do to find our sense of security is to think positively and maybe the world will hold out a little longer for us.

“Art is not a Mirror with which to reflect the World. It is a Hammer with which to shape it.” (Bert Brecht) I think Feed is a mix between a hammer and a mirror so lets call it a mirrammer. Anderson is trying to make us look in the mirror and realize what we are truly seeing but I think he is making us question our habits and hopefully reflect so that we try to change. Maybe if we start shaping it in a better way our reflections will be more likeable to the eye. I would like to make my art just like Anderson did, a message to question but also a reality check. If some stupid ad on the Internet can change and impact someone’s ideas, can’t art too?

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