Thursday, October 29, 2009

HW 14

First off I would like to point out the fact that we just read a book being projected on to our eyes, which processed in our brains from a screen. After reading the two excerpts: TV and Video Games I felt as though what the author was trying to convey to the reader very interesting. In TV, he went over the history behind TV and how 20-30 years ago there was so much less in drama in your hour of “relaxation.” That if a person from that time period were to enter our 21st century world they would of not been able to watch our TV episodes because their mind simply would not be well prepared enough. Thanks to our past generations though because without them we wouldn’t be able to enjoy these shows at the extent we do. There was a part of the text where he inserted a portion of the script from the show ER. While I was reading it I had a thought, this is so stupid! People waste so much time to hear about all of this bad stuff happening right in front of our eyes. Bad stuff that we can’t even touch and have no control to. The reflection of the bad has an impact on our moods and isn’t doing us any good but making us more depressed. TV is doing so much more bad than good, think about how much drama there is throughout the day in this school. Why do you think people feel the need to start it? To make our lives more interesting? Or is it really to mock whatever we are being told is normal?

I know I mentioned something similar to this before but just like not being able to watch TV till I was 2, I was also never allowed to have a GAMEBOY when they started becoming popular in elementary school. To be quite honest I find videogames quite boring. Maybe its because when my brain was more absorbent I wasn’t absorbing the love for these virtual realties but it seems as though most people were. Today if I go to someone’s house and we have nothing to do and were bored it seems like digital is what we always fall back on. The videogames though really are the least to keep my attention span. I could really care less if the character I am being is dying or not gaining the good weapons, what does it have to do with me…NOTHING! The author discussed how people of my generation and generations after are confused of the fact that video games came before books, that when a teacher hands a book we think of it as if its an alien to us. When I learned to read I was so excited, I remember feeling as though I was a little bit more grown up then the younger kids. It seems as though a lot of people feel different about reading though. To be quite honest though my love of reading slowly drifts away every day I become more engaged in my cool new gadgets! I wish that I could reverse time so that I continued to love to read so that instead of being brain dead half the time of the day I could actually exercise my mind to think useful thoughts!

After reading these two texts I thought the whole thing was useful. It’s sending off an important message that should be clear too most but we don’t take the time to think about it. The sad part is the facts being laid out are so obvious from the way the culture is but people never really think for themselves anymore. I just had a thought; in most of my blog posts I am talking and talking about how I think digital is so bad. In all honesty though even after learning more information about what its really doing to us I can’t stop. I can’t stop using it and I want to but I have lost all my sense of self-control. The only way to stop is if we just through our obsessions out the window off the planet would people continue to use it illegally? Most likely, yes.

In the book Feed it is a story based on us for us, it points out facts that we like to hide. In the two texts it discusses how we got here and points out facts we don’t realize as much. Neither of the texts give a clear solution though. It just seems as though we have dug ourselves deep into a tunnel and the chances of seeing the light at this point are quite slim. In Feed, I feel as though underneath it all we are just being made fun of, and its not like I am getting offended because deep down inside we all know what we are doing. In the texts we learn about how we have been trained for years to having the ability to process complicated shows. As if we have been waiting for this day for a long time, the day we can finally understand what’s really going on in our screens! Isn’t it exciting, I am so happy that my brain is capable of this! Think about how much our children will be able to take in from TV, how jealous I am of them! This is sick because I am sure people who create these shows have a lot of these thoughts on their minds. We need to stop.

1 comment:

  1. Sarah,

    I agree on this point with you “A new kind of “Feed” that has been brought into our lives is Face book” face book and how everyone is addicted to it, even kids! Which is the worst thing for kids because it would probably give them some ideas that are not good for them.
    And you said “Something I notice about this society and a key element to the book Feed is the idea that teenagers, those who will lead us in the future are the main ones addicted to technology. That is not to say that I don’t agree with that statement” I argue you with that because it is true, if were addicted to video gamews and not doing are homework’s or getting any smarter how we are going to get the world in a better place?
    you said that “To be quite honest I find videogames quite boring. Maybe its because when my brain was more absorbent I wasn’t absorbing the love for these virtual realties but it seems as though most people were”
    I connect that to what Andy said in class , that he don’t watch T.V and because he thinks its not made for him or his mind, something like that!
    I wanted to answer a question you asked in which is” how we got addicted to digital devices?” I think we got addicted to it because when we have nothing to do we just go use computer or watch T.V and we kept doing that, and then when we found that doing that is not good (using digital device’s) and we tried to stop it we were used to it to the level we cant even stop it!
    Your post makes me consider if the world is going to get any better in the future since all the teen right now addicted to video games and watching T.V and Face book!

    I enjoyed reading your posts , and like how I told you before you’re a smart girl Sarah, keep It going!
