Monday, October 5, 2009



Your video (no offense) seems very depressing. It seems as though your not enjoying your computer use but doing it because our society as turned into like you said "robots". We listen to the advertisments, as if they are ruling the world. "Buy this computer, buy this music device, get this latest cellphone." We are trapped and becoming exposed to more and more new "cool" things everyday, and we find it niesscary to always listen to them.

It seems as though you aware of the fact that you are emotionless in this video, you can see that it is not a enjoyable experience. So why do you think that you continue to use it? Does it make you happy? Or do you feel as though its required to keep up with the fast moving change world outside?

The only difference between your video and my video is the fact that it looks as though I am getting frustrated with whatever was in front of me. You mentioned that you felt as though your eyes were going in two different directions and I feel as though that was what was happening to me as well. Our brains seem to shut down and we begin to loose control of our physical movements. Its as if for the moments that we spend on the computers, we turn into vegetables and become brain dead.

Just like Mohammed's and my video I think you could take the filming of the video in a different angle, it would be interesting to see what exactly was making you go into a state of stillness. Also if you could incorporate more digital into the video, you were obviously using the computer but does any of the technology make you happy or more lively?

The line about the robots really made me consider thats all we really are at this point. Its as if the technology is leading us under there command. We have no self control and they are instructing us to move forward in this idea that without it we are unable to function.

Good Job Abe! Keep up the good work!!



Something that really struck me in comparison to my video was the fact that your had background noise. I think it made your video stronger, and it allowed the watcher to remember that there was life going on in your world besides just the technology world happening.

As I said before I believe that one of the main points of your video was to convey the idea that life continues to go on, even when you are in a sense being lifeless. In your video explanation comments you discussed how you feel as though you don't live this lifestyle. You said that if you did you would turn into a "fat kid". You said while watching this it makes you appear as a very lazy person. But don't you agree that you are apart of this laziness while you are using technology?

If I were to connect to your piece I agree that I am apart of this lazy society. That each day I sit in front of my own screen not moving for hours. Yesterday I got home from a sleepover and decided instead of immediatly running to my computer to check my facebook, I suggested to my parents to take a walk in the park. We did, and it put me in such a better mood than just sitting around. We can choose to not participate in this lifestyle of lazyness but its up to us to make that choice.

I think if you were to develop this further I would take the camera at a different angle. Like my video I only showed my face and didn't show what was being shown to me. I think it would be interesting to see what exactly what was drawing you into the cyber hypnotization.

This video is so similar to many of the other peoples videos. The world has a generic computer look. It makes us all look like lazy human beings, and also makes us appear just like the characters in the movie "Wolie".

Good Job, Keep up the good work!

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