Monday, October 19, 2009


Something I notice about this society and a key element to the book Feed is the idea that teenagers, those who will lead us in the future are the main ones addicted to technology. That is not to say that I don’t agree with that statement but something I’m wondering is how did we get so addicted? When I was a little girl I don’t remember using the computer till about 2nd grade. My earliest memory is that I got an e-mail address; I used to get jealous of my parents when they would check their e-mails and the sound “You’ve got mail” turned on. I would send myself e-mails as a way to show off to them that I was important to. A decision that my parents made when I was younger was to not let me watch T.V till I was two; they decided that I needed to not become part of these early 90’s trends. So I look at myself now, a texter, computer user, web surfer and wonder if I had never got that e-mail address or had been allowed to watch T.V. if maybe there is a possibility that I wouldn’t be so addicted. Maybe in the end it’s not really my fault but the people who get the most frustrated with the overuse, the ones who originally introduced it into my life.
A new kind of “Feed” that has been brought into our lives is Facebook. There is literally a section that is called your “Mini-Feed” it posts everything that everyone else is doing so that you can stay updated on everyone else’s life’s. If someone posts a status saying Name________- just bought these awesome new cool shoes from ______ they are basically advertising for this company. It also tracks what other websites you are viewing and on the side of the page advertise what they believe will appeal to your taste to influence you to buy their product. This whole concept is very large in the book as well. This idea that one message being broadcasted to you can have a huge influence on your beliefs. The scary part these companies have the right idea. People belief what they read. It is said that when we are younger are brains are like sponges but in my opinion we are always sponges. I am scared for the future I am already so addicted and giving into our societies way of life what will I be like in 5 years, what will the world be like?


  1. S,

    I think your fear is justified, in five years its probable that you'll be a dazzled digital sheep (more so than now). The technology and theory of thought-control is "advancing" and the corporations are the ones putting it into use. There was a guy named Unabomber who tried to warn people about this - a weird American story from the 1990s that you should google.

    I'm curious what your obviously more-enlightened-than-most parents think about your development. Did the 2 years protection from TV make a difference? Why stop at 2?

    Please use paragraphs to increase the readability of your text for the current generation. Proofreading, editing, adding, and second drafts are also helpful, since what you're writing actually matters.

  2. So I googled the "Unabomber" so odd...very interesting though. I am trying to incorporate it into my paper somehow.
