Monday, September 14, 2009

HW 3 Digital Unit

What is happiness? It's strange to think that to many that in order to be "happy" their lives must be surrounded by technology. Our world has come to the point where we use screen communication to build and form relationships. Through our screens we grow and learn, and create almost a Hollywood environment. Always keeping updated on what everyone else is doing when in reality this isn’t making us happier but is making us consumed with other peoples lives. At the rate of the need for technology what will the world be like in 5, 10 years? This isn't to say that I don't enjoy listening to my i-pod or using Facebook. I love being able to send a message through light speed but I am aware that I am involved in this "easy" life, I believe that we are on this planet for a purpose. I don't think all of this addiction that is making us so lazy is the purpose intended. This past weekend I was in Times Square standing with my friend we were looking around at all the flashing lights and advertisements. We both started saying how we felt as though we were living in a nightmare. Why is all of this necessary? Think about how much money these companies are spending on getting the word out about their products. If this country can build these fancy skyscraper adds why are their certain areas of New Orleans that still don’t have levies to protect people and communities from hurricanes? Our world is dealing with issues like global warming if inventors can come up with cameras on digital objects the size of credit cards why cant they put their minds together to slow down the process of the world running out of natural resources? Technology might not be a bad thing it just needs to be rethought so that we can try using it for problems that are much more life changing. Would people be able to survive if one day all technology was suddenly just erased from the planet? How many people would no longer to be able to function? For some its crazy to think that even just 100 years ago people were able to life and be happy with just the company of those surrounding them. A world that involves more face-to-face communication, and struggle to get information is very possible but is the world we live in now ready to handle something like that?

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