Saturday, May 1, 2010

HW 52

Throughout my life and even now the friends I have had or have seem to make up different traits of myself. I think it’s mainly due to the fact that we are such a culture of being self-conscious. We break ourselves down and classify each friend as a go to for ______. We have our advice friend, our funny friend, our emotional friend etc. Each friend makes up a detailed portion of us. I think the reason why this is so common especially among teenagers is because if we see what goes wrong within them we can subconsciously change it within ourselves.

Most people give at least one piece of advice a day, but has it ever occurred to us that the advice we give should be listened to by us first. People love getting attention and love compliments, it is like a way of avoiding our problems. Maybe the reason why we give so much advice is because we can tell ourselves that there is someone else out there with bigger problems than us. But we have to face the fact that we all have problems and most of the time they are unavoidable.

Personally I don’t know what motivates me to get out of bed every morning. I think I do because its routine, I’m used to it. Maybe it’s the fact that in order to not be a couch potato that does nothing with their life I have to. It goes directly back to being self-conscious. We are so scared of how others will judge us that we need to live up to certain standards or expectations of others.

A couple of weeks ago there was a homeless man who saved a woman from being robbed. He risked his life and it ended up costing him his own. He was left on the sidewalk bleeding. For about an hour people walked by and did nothing. Probably due to the fact he wasn’t wearing a suit so people had no respect for him. I think that’s what we are scared of though, no one wanting to be there for us. The feeling of loneliness and helplessness. It seems like unfortunately that if you don’t have the normal motivation that the mass does, you are looked down on and walked by as if you don’t exist.

The media takes a serious toll on what is realistic and what is not. They take average situations and add the Hollywood to them. Us normal people get confused on what is true and what isn’t. So then we begin to try to take certain aspects from the movies and incorporate them into our own lives. Once this is completed and we try using the aspects we realize they don’t work in real life. That however makes us frustrated because people believe what they read and what they see. People set such high standards and play out scenarios that have no chance of actually working out. Since most movies can relate to most people we find general aspects of our own lives within them and then convince ourselves that the movie plot is identical to our own. If we are a culture that lives like this we are doomed to fail.

Something that bugs me is when I sit and over analyze so many pointless situations. I'll look back years later and think to myself, what was I thinking? I guess its kind of weird how in the moment so many people have such big impacts on us. As time goes on though those impacts become less and less, and become vivid memories in our minds.

I don't understand why people lie so much. Do I look fat in this? Does my hair look bad? Did you talk to him? I mean I understand that sometimes it's better to not be completely honest but other times the truth is better off. Even if we do lie though the truth always comes out and back around. There is no way of avoiding the truth and it hurts even more when you hear it through the grape vine. Part of me feels like people lie so much because they are afraid to be themselves. So they have to make up for all of their imperfection and awkwardness. We protect ourselves so much from getting hurt but all good things come to an end, so why waste unnecessary time lying to ourselves?

A couple of months ago I was talking to my best friend on the bus, and this man next to us was eves dropping. He flat out said: "It's never gonna get better..." I guess we all have the same objective, find true love and spend the rest of your life with them. Maybe he said that because he didn't make mistakes when he was younger, so he was experiencing things later. Still it seems like things can be great for a while and then go so bad in an instant. All because one thing was said or one thing was done. We never know when this moment is going to happen and it's usually when you least expect it. Not just romantically speaking but with friendships as well. How can we prepare ourselves mentally for moments like these? Do we just always have to live waiting for it to happen?

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