Saturday, May 8, 2010

HW 53

Part One: I took the survey.

Part Two: I feel like when thinking generally about subjects such as the ones asked about we usually make it out to be much worse. When in reality our lives are not as bad as most. One of the questions that I thought was particularly interesting was, If you could live your life over you'd change it... It seems like all the other questions led up to this one. The sense of regret or not being satisfied with your life up to this point. People usually say not to live life with regret but to use your mistakes. I agree with that, each day is a start to change and its up to you to change your life. I can't imagine erasing every memory and every moment of my life to change it completely. I don't know if I would want that and I can't imagine why anyone else would want to either.

I understand however that there are people out there who if given the option would probably take it. A large majority of the people in this world lead very hard lives but by changing your life over, does this mean you change the family you are surrounded by as well? It seems like if you were to have a harder life than most the root of the problem may be family. Since family is the first to open your eyes to the world and guide the way for you. So maybe its not the life they would want to change but the people who brought them into this world.

Part Three: I focused again on the question about changing life over. The results from this were 40% of those who took the survey would change their lives over. Then I noticed that 60% of the people who took the survey felt happy. 40% + 60% = 100%. Meaning that those who probably don't want to change their life are happy. Or maybe happy enough to not want to erase what they have. I thought it was really sad that 32% of the people have thought about suicide. Not even just erasing and starting over but ending it completely. I wonder what makes those thoughts trigger...

Part Four: I thought some of the questions were similar to some of the ones asked on ours. Especially in terms of what we put into our body. Under the categories of Partnering - Romance - Sexuality. Also in terms of Self, politics, etc. Differences though were that under those categories there were many more questions. The Health Youth Survey pin pointed every aspect of the subject. While we just brushed upon it. However the results of the similar questions had similar results. I guess it shows that the masses agree and have the same ideas.

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