Monday, May 24, 2010

HW 58

Part Three:

Brathawate (Sorry if I mispelled her name): "You may raise you're child a certain way but once they get to school it's another story... breast feeding is bonding... The book sucks, each child is different... This is my child, I'm gonna do it my way."

Rob: "My family is set in tradition but progressive... We have a different household, two dads... My family was afraid of the unknown... read books on parenting... I use time out."

Mom: "Combination of instinct, intuition and education... I read a couple of books... in some cases they were helpful but talking to other parents was more helpful... I think some of your characteristics are/were innate but I think those can be enhanced by your up bring."

For all three parents they all made the choice to read the books however it didn't seem like they were of much use. Like I said before though, think of it like preparing for a test, instead of studying one thing you should prepare for all aspects of the subject. Furthermore you could end up with the child who fits exactly what the book is saying. If you walked into a room with no further knowledge of what you were going to be asked to do you would feel helpless. Besides which its not like the baby is going to be an expert, you have to use the technique of guess and check in till you get the picture.

Another tie between all three parents is their maternal instincts kick in. I believe this is due to the fact that while you grow up repetition is what gets the message across. Parents take that repetition and either jumble it up or continue repeating it to raise their own. I also believe as much as we want to deny the fact that when we get older our ways of parenting will be completely opposite to the ones used on us, we will subconsciously repeat history in certain ways.

Part Four:

After Rob left our classroom, I thought to myself I want to adopt a baby when I'm old enough. The way he put it was so beautiful, with the mother practically handing her newborn into the arms of complete strangers. The fact that she hardly knew them but had so much trust for them after only a few minutes was remarkable. I would like to have my children that are my own as well but I think it would be a very interesting experience embracing another human being into my home. Regardless if the baby came from you or someone else its still your baby, and all three parents interviewed seemed proud to be able to say that. I am sure that type of feeling is one of the most rewarding you get could from parenting.

A lot of the units have had a tie in with my internship... Since I work with children that are of the ages of 2-3 I see the wide variety between them. They already all have personalities and attitudes. Watching them play is a learning experience in it self, I am practically seeing what my future could possibly hold. Not one of the children are alike, thats a aspect that as I'm sure is quite scary but at the same time quite rewarding when you get your plan to work. To be able to work with a little creature and figure out what makes them tick seems remarkable.

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