Tuesday, May 11, 2010

HW 54

Part One:

Extroverted (E) 61.54% Introverted (I) 38.46%
Intuitive (N) 52.5% Sensing (S) 47.5%
Feeling (F) 57.5% Thinking (T) 42.5%
Perceiving (P) 51.52% Judging (J) 48.48%

Your type is: ENFP

ENFP - "Journalist". Uncanny sense of the motivations of others. Life is an exciting drama. 8.1% of total population.

For every part of the breakdown of what kind of person I make up, most of the percentages were about 50/50. Part of me feels as if maybe the reasoning of this, is due to the fact that our personalities change by the moment. This change depends on the people we are around or the type of situation we find ourselves in. However the higher the percentage is probably what we strive for or the one we desire more. It is as if to say our brain knows what is appropriate for that moment. So subconsciously the brain is flipping our light switches off and on, and we are oblivious to the change in the light.

However the exact percentage is quite useful. As I said before in my HW 52 our friends are the mirrors of us. They reflect all of the components we are made up of. If most of our friends have similar percentages in each portion of the survey, that would make complete sense. They are at the same level as us, and that allows us to feel more comfortable around them. Although there is a possibility that we could have friends who had opposite percentages, that might also make sense though. It is as if to say they complete us and give us the missing part of ourselves.

Part Two:

We listen to what we want to hear. We select what we want the outcome to be, most of the time. We usually don't intentionally put ourselves in situations where we know we will feel uncomfortable. The feeling of uncomfortableness is most of the time provoked by an error or a mistake in our calculations. Hence why we usually surround ourselves with more similarity than difference. I thought the surveys were accurate, yet I believe it was mainly due to the fact that we selected answers that would lead us to what we thought of ourselves. Our ideas are programed into those around us, so they will view us as certain people. Maybe that is why when strangers talk to us or we meet a stranger, we feel uncomfortable... Mainly due to the idea of them not knowing what we are made up of and we don't want them to view us as a different combination.

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