Monday, November 30, 2009

Comments on Short Stories

1. Dylan, In your story from what I can tell the cool layed back I don't care is I guess what you view cool as. Something I noticed about the setting is that its just the main character and the security guard. The character isn't really impressing anyone besides himself, the guard doesn't seem to care. The character does get away with being late... is it because he is so cool?

2. Abe, I think your story resembles a movie script. It seems like the cool kids get all the attention and the fact that one of your characters has a car makes him superior to the others. I thought the discussion of grades was very interesting and that two of the characters are shocked with the other one because he is a lazy student. Your story seemed very realistic in many circumstances.

3. Amon, I found your story very interesting. I think it deals with the idea of trying so hard to fit in with a certain group. In your story it shows signs of drug users. The character in your story thinks they are cool and tries hard to fit in. When he tells them he doesn't feel well they don't care or listen. Is this what you think cool is or a usual situation?

4. Leah, I thought your story gave a good glimpse of what you think cool is. From your story it seems as though you consider perfection to be cool. Although not only do you view appearance as cool but also personality and brains. I think that sometimes as humans we forget to look at the person as a whole and only what appears to our eye.

5. Mohammed-I think you have a good start to your story but I don't understand what type of cool you are trying to portray. It seems like the character is either the type of person who doesn't follow the rules or too cool for school. Maybe try elaborating on the reactions of the students to him so that it is more clear to the reader.

Something that kept being brought up in all stories whether it was obvious or discreet is attention.  It seems that all the characters got attention from individuals or larger groups of people.  In Dylan's story the attention is all from the security guard but his attitude portrays that the way he acts is very general.  In Abe's story his character gets both negative and positive attention from peers and close friends.  The negative attention is because of his lack of interest in grades and school.  His friends are shocked by his approach towards his school work. The positive attention is from the people that don't know him on a personal level all they see is his cool car.  People don't ever get an opportunity to see a different side to him.  All they see is the materialistic side to him.  If they knew what he was really like underneath it all would they still respect him so much? In Amon's story the character is trying very hard to be cool, by doing this he participates in activities he isn't using used to by feeling scared and asking for support from his peers he picks up negative attention. They begin to view him as a loser and picks up on it so he changes his attitude immediately to fit in.  In Leah's story she shows us only positive attention the girl in her story is defined as what she views as perfection.  Both smart and beautiful, it seems as though the narrator is blown away by her.  Lastly in Mohammed's story his character doesn't care about anyone and is too cool for school.  This in reality can sometimes be seen as negative attention because people look down to him.  

Although from reading all the stories it seems as though we all have our own definition of "cool" in a sense they all lead back to the same concept.  Whatever we view as perfect automatically gives us the natural assumption of coolness.  But no one is perfect maybe in our minds and imagination but everyone has flaws and things that make us tick.  I think as humans we forget that sometimes and we don't take the time to look deeply at the person as a whole. So is anyone really truly cool or are we just illusions of what we want to see in front of us?  

Monday, November 23, 2009

Short Story

I walked down the hallway it seemed to get longer and longer as I walked towards my advisers room.  Slowly I opened the door and went to my advisers desk.  "Hi, I'm Violet Miller...I think I'm suppose to be here?"  I was looking around at the rest of the students who were all glaring at me, I could hear whispers.  "Oh yes Violet! I was told you would be joining our advisory.  Ms. Levin told me you were from Florida, is that right?" replied the teacher.  "Yes my family just moved here because my Dad's job changed." said Violet.  "Why don't you introduce yourself to the class."  said the teacher.  The teacher walked me to the front of the classroom, I was trembling inside, none of the kids were smiling.  "Class we have a new student who just moved here from Florida, she is going to introduce herself now!" said the teacher.  "Hi I'm Violet um I'm 15 years old.  I have a bulldog named Millie, I don't know what else to say..." I could feel my face getting bright red.  "Students do any of you have questions for Violet?" said the teacher.  A blond girl raised her hand.  "Yes Susan?"  said the teacher.  "So uh what do you like to do for fun?  Florida seems like a really nice place, I've never been but I've seen pictures." said Susan.  Then she smiled and I breathed.  "Well I like swimming in the ocean, I love swimming in general.  I've grown up on the beach it's weird being in a place where it seems like we are not around any water.  I like to shop in second hand stores not just for clothes but for unique interesting objects.  I think they all have their own story.  I also have a huge passion for photography, I could bring in some of my photos that I have taken.  Florida is a beautiful place but New York City seems so much more exciting."  by this point I was smiling and so were all the students around me.  "Do you want to come sit with me Violet?" said Susan.  "Sure!" I replied, I walked over to her table and everyone was being very friendly to me.  Susan went on and on about how she loved my clothing, and thought it was so cool that I was from Florida.  Before I knew it I was surrounded by many classmates who were all feeding me compliments.  It seems that because I had opened up to a room full of  strangers and acted as myself they were intrigued by my difference to them.  I finally had found the right kind of people that liked me for me.  

Monday, November 16, 2009

HW 23

Cool…why does it matter? Is it because for that moment you think you are so much better than everyone else? Does that feeling give us satisfaction? In all honesty I don’t think one person is better than another we are all just people. We all have emotions and we all have feelings, why do we find the constant need to impress? Are we afraid that when we die no one will remember us? Ironically though most of the people we are surrounded by in the present moment after graduation will never see us again. So why waste so much time trying to prove something to the world? In a very short amount of time there will just be a new audience waiting for us.  

If I was forced to define “cool” my idea of it is most likely different than others. I remember in 6th grade on picture day there was a girl who decided to wear a tutu to school, I was so jealous. I wanted to be able to be brave and not care what others thought; I was envious of her and thought she was so cool. When people don’t care about what others think and don’t care what others will or might say it really does make them cooler. They would rather act like themselves than mimic someone else to fit in with the crowd. I honestly think when people try hard and it’s really obvious they are the farthest thing from cool. Maybe the crowd they are with doesn’t even notice the fakeness of their personality and interaction with others but from an onlooker I think it is very clear.  

I think sometimes people automatically assume that if ones name is known they are classified as cool. I disagree completely, just because people know who you are doesn’t mean its for a good thing. It could be because you did something stupid and gave yourself a bad reputation and a bunch of rumors. Do people honestly believe that this person rocks? Getting talked about by others doesn’t mean that you are cool because a lot of that talk could be negative. Take setting into account as well yeah maybe someone is cool in one environment but if they were plopped into another world they are not necessarily going to win the cool medal or wear a sticker saying “Hi my name is cool”. Cool can’t be determined from one small group of people or even a large group. Everyone has there own taste of what they feel defines someone as cool.  

It frustrates me so much that our society is so obsessive with being cool.  I mean I am sure there are people out there who believe that I think I am cool because as humans we are always making accusations.  I don’t think I am cool at all, I think I am who I am.  Either you like me or you don’t but I don’t go around trying to impress every person I meet.  I will admit though that depending on the situation I am in sometimes I change my attitude slightly to relate to who I am with more.  This is not to say I change my complete personality but maybe talk about things that spark more connection.  This is so cheesy but I think its better to be yourself than waste your whole life being someone else. 

Art Project

Our minds consumed by illusional ways of life.

Each day taking one step back instead of forward.

We are covered in the bacteria of consumption and it continues to spread.

Will we ever escape it, will we ever beat this disease of addiction?

Are we trapped?  Have we already fallen too deep in the hole of the depths of nothing?

Why must we live each day waiting for that change instead of making it ourselves? 

The world opens up to us and as we dig to the ends of the oceans and
forests there is nothing.

You are nothing, I am nothing, we are nothing. 

"We must become the change we want to see in the world."  - Mohandas Gandhi 

Monday, November 9, 2009

Final Paper

What over looked damage is the obsession of technology leading to?

It may be cliché to start out a paper with a definition but I believe that defining the problem plays a key role in the construction of forming ideas. Addiction: 1: the quality or state of being addicted, 2: compulsive physiological need for a habit-forming drug. (Webster Ninth New Collegiate Dictionary) Why do we get addicted? What triggers our brain to feel the constant need for repetition? The endorphins within ones brain become released and gives the feeling of pleasure. The more this feeling relates to happiness the more it is craved. "Addictions," says Joseph Frascella, director of the division of clinical neuroscience at the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA), "are repetitive behaviors in the face of negative consequences, the desire to continue something you know is bad for you." The more we are told to not do something the more likely we are to continue to keep doing it or start doing it. Many see technology as advancement but in reality we are addicted and it is setting us back in many ways.

Argument 1:
Obesity is caused by another addiction: food. Looking back at history there have been times where it is socially accepted to have a heavier build. People found as though when someone was larger it was a symbol of wealth verses someone who was thinner which symbolized lower class. It is very clear today from not only the media but also the way our society stereotypes people that when an overweight person is seen people view them as lazy and poor. Never the less it has been proven that it can lead to everyday problems and further more being overweight can lead to major long term health problems. In nearly the past 30 years the obesity rate in the United States as gone from the national average being 15% to 25% in the year 2009. It is due to unhealthy eating habits, non-nutritional meals in our schools and high food prices. The National Strategy to Combat Obesity listed in F as in Fat 2009 – Trust for America’s Health, listed polices that could decrease the obesity rate. “Provide healthy foods and beverages to students at schools, Increase the availability of affordable healthy foods in all communities, Increase the frequency, intensity, and duration of physical activity at school, Improve access to safe and healthy places to live, work, learn, and play, Limit screen time and encourage employers to provide workplace wellness programs.” The professionals stress that our nation needs more physical activity and less screen time. By either creating these habits and or stopping bad habits it will help people who have either addiction to food or bad eating habits due to technology and will make a difference to their general health. These health problems that are partially due to overuse of technology can lead to even worse issues such as diabetes, heart attacks, bad cholesterol etc.

Argument 2:
As the generation that has literally had technology at their fingertips since the second of arriving to this planet one would think that we would be the most addicted. Regardless of when you start, once you start using technology you may automatically becoming part of a cyber world that is pretty physically impossible to exit. While conducting interviews with five random people in New York City (9/23/09) approximately all of them spent 6 hours a day using technology. That number could be skewed because the person was embarrassed to admit their actual number of hours complete considering humans don’t like to admit to problems. Most of the people interviewed, except for one, said that if they had children they would allow them to use technology. The one exception thought they would be better off outside playing or taking in nature. As a big technology user I will admit that I watch television on Mondays and Thursdays. Sometimes I watch it if I really have nothing else to do but usually there is nothing on that really sparks my interest. I am constantly texting unless I am sleeping or my mother takes my phone away. I am usually on the computer when I have spare moments or I am not outside or at School. Honestly, I know I have a problem. The interesting thing is though that my parents didn’t allow me to watch television until I was about two. When I asked my mom why she said: “We decided there were more important things for you to be doing.” Yet even though for 2 years out of my almost 17 years of being alive I wasn’t exposed to as much technology I am just as addicted as the teen sitting next to me who has always had it in their life. That’s what’s interesting that once you start there really is no turning back.

Argument 3:

As a world dealing with the current issue of global warming, shouldn’t this be a huge STOP sign that we hit? All of the warnings are being made so clear but yet the ideas being proposed to us are making no impact on our actions in following them. Some people are buying solar cars and some people are building homes with solar panels but is everyone? No. There are a lot of people that can’t afford to spend large amounts of money on new fancy equipment that is going to help slow down the process of the damage previous generations and current generations are causing. A huge leader though in trying to move forward is former Vice President, Al Gore. It seems as though in not gaining power of the President of the United States he took a turn in a positive direction to help inform the country of issues previous presidents neglected. In one of his very important speeches, A Generational Challenge to Repower America he stated: “In order to foster international cooperation, it is also essential that the United States rejoin the global community and lead efforts to secure an international treaty at Copenhagen in December of next year that includes a cap on CO2 emissions and a global partnership that recognizes the necessity of addressing the threats of extreme poverty and disease as part of the world's agenda for solving the climate crisis.” All of the pollution being exposed to our planet is not only hurting the health of our environment but the health of the living creatures on it, humans included. What leads back to all of this external damage though is the technology that is giving off negative affects which is creating negative affects to our health. “But if we grab hold of that common thread and pull it hard, all of these complex problems begin to unravel and we will find that we're holding the answer to all of them right in our hand. 
The answer is to end our reliance on carbon-based fuels.” (Al Gore) While it is very clear that the United States nation is addicted to the burning of fossil fuel, no one is saying that we have to suffer because we are just to lazy. We are ignoring long-term effects and we are always so focused on what’s going on with others verses how certain decisions are having affect on us.

Argument 4:
As New Yorkers it is less likely to see us in a car driving, we are the users of public transportation. Since many drivers believe that they can multi task while driving a vehicle weighing tons drivers are more prone to accidents. Not only have their been accidents due to texting in cars but in even larger vehicles, trains and planes. Just last year in California there was an incident of an engineer killing 25 people including himself and injuring more than 130 others. “California officials today issued a temporary order banning train operators from using cell phones on duty…Federal transportation authorities say the engineer of a Southern California commuter train who ran a red light and slammed into a freight train last Friday…text-messaging on his cell phone. The engineer, Robert Sanchez, who died in the crash, never hit his brakes…Today, the California Public Utilities Commission unanimously passed an emergency order to ban the use of cell phones and other personal electronic devices while operating a train.” Often as I walk down the streets of New York I am doing exactly what this engineer made the mistake of doing. If I look up I usually see many people around me who are also engaged in their cell phones. It’s as if we are wearing earplugs and blocking out all of the life around us to focus on someone inside our phones. This makes us more venerable to bumping into someone but an even more severe life-threatening issue being getting hit by a car. We risk our lives everyday by walking down the street so that we can have constant communication to keep our minds stimulated. Another more recent incident of distraction was when pilots of a Northwest Flight flew a plane 150 miles past their destination. The two pilots Cheney and Cole told investigators they lost track of their location and time due to work they were doing on their laptops. "We simply want to ensure that, with all of the electronic distractions available these days, flying the plane remains the one and only focus," (Sen. Robert Menendez, D-N.J.) They put the lives of both themselves and all of the passengers of the plane at stake. If we are given a task we should be able to focus on it and get the job done but with all of the distractions around us our jobs take longer and in some cases put our lives on the line.

Argument 5:
Lastly though focusing on the matter of mental health. People in this world tend to have very large ideas and know that the only way to express these ideas is through action and words, by making a statement. The truth is we don’t know what’s going to happen with our addictions and we have no idea how different or similar our lifestyles will be in 5 or 10 years. Although in the 1990’s there was a man who tried warning us of the dangers of technology. Ted Kaczynski aka The Unabomber used violent means to get his message across, which I don't agree with. However in his manifesto he put forth ideas about the damage technology has done and continues to do. He was trying to describe how technology caused many of the problems the world was facing at the time. “The bomber sent more devices throughout the 1980s and 1990s, and he wounded and killed several people during his violent career. The UNAbomber eventually mailed a letter in which he threatened to continue his campaign of terror unless The New York Times and other newspapers published a lengthy "manifesto" in which the bomber blamed modern technology for the woes of the world. Editors consulted with authorities and subsequently published the manifesto with the hope that someone might recognize the style and thoughts of the bomber.” The hate for the overuse of technology classified him as a crazy person. In reality though maybe the way he showed his opinion was crazy but the deeper meaning was right on point. The over usage of devices lead him to be mentally unstable to the point where he acted in dangerous manners. It wasn’t necessarily his fault though he was frustrated with the way the world was reacting to gadgets, and wanted to make a change. His brother recognized his writing style and turned him into FBI.

Alternative Point of View:
We must consider the fact that it is possible to live a perfectly fine life without the need for machines and technological devices. Take for example Amish people. They have no technology incorporated into their lives. They have alternatives and can still function normally. In theory I believe they are much more aware of their bodies than we are. Since most of the day we are disembodied we forget to step back and make sure that we are functioning properly because we forget to think about the critical parts of what’s going inside. While people like the Amish can take more time to focus on their health. People forget that it is physically possible to conduct a technology free life. Another example of a group of people who were able to live healthier lives without technology is Colin Beavan from the book “No Impact Man”, which is now a movie as well. He and his family decided that for a year they would literally not use any technology. It was hard for them because they were surrounded by so many temptations but they made it for a whole year. Not only did it reverse his wife’s diabetes but he was a healthier person all around both physically and mentally. It really does have an affect on how we act daily and causes our emotions to tense up. We don’t need it to be happy there are other ways to live and probably for a lot longer because our bodies and minds are actually moving. People forget that even just 100 years ago people were able to life and be happy with just the company of those surrounding them. A world that involves more face-to-face communication, and struggle to get information is very possible but is the world we live in now ready to handle something like that?

Why does all this matter? Everyday as we sit on our couches, eating our super sized meals, twiddling our thumbs on our full keyboards, where we are constantly updating THE WORLD on every moment of every second of our lives, actual bad things are happening. People are starving, dehydrated; suicide bombers are killing themselves and communities for what? What is provoking all of this? When we watch the news about all of the bad stuff happening it is just making us more depressed so we pick up habits like over eating and smoking, and drinking, and drugs. Is this the purpose intended to fulfill a meaningful life filled with reason? Why do we do the things we do? Technology is worsening and decreasing our life span and happiness in some ways. No we can't determine what happiness is but how can we be happy in the moment we are in when we are constantly disembodied?

The Advantages and Disadvantages to not having internet: Revised Draft

What over looked damage is the obsession of technology leading to?

It may be cliché to start out a paper with a definition but I believe that what is about to be defined plays a key role in the construction of forming these ideas. Addiction: 1: the quality or state of being addicted, 2: compulsive physiological need for a habit-forming drug. (Webster Ninth New Collegiate Dictionary) Why do we get addicted? What triggers it in our brain to feel the constant need for repetition? "Addictions," says Joseph Frascella, director of the division of clinical neuroscience at the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA), "are repetitive behaviors in the face of negative consequences, the desire to continue something you know is bad for you." The more we are told to not do something the more likely we are to continue to keep doing it or start doing it. The US has always been an addictive culture; today’s culture deals with a primary addiction with important negative affects, which is technology.

Obesity is caused by another addiction: food. Looking back at history there have been times where it is socially accepted to have a heavier build. People found as though when someone was larger it was a symbol of wealth verses someone who was thinner which symbolized lower class. It is very clear today from not only the media but also the way our society stereotypes people that when an overweight person is seen people view them as lazy and poor. Neither the less it has been proven that being overweight can lead to major long term health problems and also everyday problems. In nearly the past 30 years the obesity rate in the United States as gone from the national average being 15% to 25% in the year 2009. It is due to unhealthy eating habits, non-nutritional meals in our schools and high food prices. The National Strategy to Combat Obesity listed in F as in Fat 2009 – Trust for America’s Health, listed polices that could decrease the obesity rate. “Provide healthy foods and beverages to students at schools, Increase the availability of affordable healthy foods in all communities, Increase the frequency, intensity, and duration of physical activity at school, Improve access to safe and healthy places to live, work, learn, and play, Limit screen time and encourage employers to provide workplace wellness programs.” The professionals flat out said that our nation needs more physical activity and less screen time. By either creating these habits and or stopping bad habits it will help people who have either addiction to food or bad eating habits due to technology, will make a difference to their general health. These health problems that are partially due to overuse of technology can lead to even worse issues such as diabetes, heart attacks, bad cholesterol etc.

As the generation that has literally had technology at their fingertips since the second of arriving to this planet one would think that we would be the most addicted. After several experiments done in the heart of a place filled with many different types of people, conclusions have been formed. Regardless to when you start, once you start using technology you are automatically becoming part of a cyber world that is pretty physically impossible to exit. While conducting interviews with complete strangers the average person was an adult and spent approximately 6 hours a day using technology. Now that number could be completely off because the person was embarrassed to admit their actual number considering humans don’t like to admit to problems. Most of the people interviewed except for one said that if they had children they would allow them to use technology except for one person who thought they would be better off outside. As a big technology user I will admit that I watch Television on Mondays and Thursdays. Sometimes I watch it if I really have nothing else to do but usually there is nothing on that really sparks my interest. I am constantly texting in less I am sleeping or my mother takes my phone away. I am usually on the computer when I have spare moments or I am not outside or at School. Honestly I know I have a problem. The interesting thing is though that my parents didn’t allow me to watch television till I was about two. When I asked my mom why she said: “We decided there were more important things for you to be doing.” Yet even though for 2 years out of my almost 17 years of being alive I wasn’t exposed to as much technology I am just as addicted as the teen sitting next to me who has always had it in their life. That’s what’s interesting that once you start there really is no turning back.

As a world dealing with the current issue of global warming, shouldn’t this be a huge STOP sign that we hit? All of the warnings are being made so clear but yet the ideas being proposed to us are making no impact on our actions following them. Yeah some people are buying solar cars and some people are building homes with solar panels but is everyone, no? There are a lot of people that cant afford to spend large amounts of money on new fancy equipment that is going to help slow down the process of the damage previous generations and current generations are causing. A huge leader though in trying to move forward is should have been president, and vice president Al Gore. It seems as though by not gaining power of the United States he took a turn in a positive direction to help inform the country of things a previous president neglected. In one of his very important speeches, A Generational Challenge to Repower America he stated: “In order to foster international cooperation, it is also essential that the United States rejoin the global community and lead efforts to secure an international treaty at Copenhagen in December of next year that includes a cap on CO2 emissions and a global partnership that recognizes the necessity of addressing the threats of extreme poverty and disease as part of the world's agenda for solving the climate crisis.” All of the pollution being exposed to our planet is not only hurting the health of our environment but the health of the living creatures on it, humans included. What leads back to all of this external damage though is the technology that is giving off negative affects which is creating negative affects to our health. “But if we grab hold of that common thread and pull it hard, all of these complex problems begin to unravel and we will find that we're holding the answer to all of them right in our hand. 
The answer is to end our reliance on carbon-based fuels.” (Al Gore) No one is saying that we have to suffer we are just to lazy and don’t care about long term affects because we are always so focused on what’s going on with others verses how certain decisions are having affect on us.

Lastly though focusing on the matter of mental health. People in this world tend to have very large ideas and know that the only way to express these ideas is through action and words, by making a statement. The truth is we don’t know what’s going to happen with our addictions and we have no idea how different or similar our lifestyles will be in 5 or 10 years. Although in the 1990’s there was a man who tried warning us too bad we didn’t listen better. Going by the name of the “Unabomber” his statement although violent could of made a huge impact on the future. He was trying to make the idea that technology was the reasoning of many of the problems the world was facing. “The bomber sent more devices throughout the 1980s and 1990s, and he wounded and killed several people during his violent career. The UNAbomber eventually mailed a letter in which he threatened to continue his campaign of terror unless The New York Times and other newspapers published a lengthy "manifesto" in which the bomber blamed modern technology for the woes of the world. Editors consulted with authorities and subsequently published the manifesto with the hope that someone might recognize the style and thoughts of the bomber.” The hate for the overuse of technology classified him as a crazy person. In reality though maybe the way he showed his opinion was crazy but the deeper meaning was right on point. The over usage of devices lead him to be mentally unstable to the point where he acted in dangerous manners. It wasn’t necessarily his fault though he was frustrated with the way the world was reacting to gadgets, and wanted to make a change. His brother recognized his writing style and turned him into FBI.

Although we must consider the fact that it is possible to live a perfectly fine life without the need for machine. Take for example Amish people. They have no technology incorporated into their lives. They have alternatives and can still function normally. Essentially though they are much more aware of their bodies than we are. Since most of the day we are so embodied we forget to step back and make sure that we are functioning properly because we forget to think about the critical parts of what’s going inside. While people like the Amish can take more time to focus on their health. People forget that it is physically possible to conduct a technology free life. Another example of a group of people who were able to live healthier lives without technology is Colin Beaven from the book “No Impact Man”, which is now a movie as well. He and his family decided that for a year they would literally not use any technology. It was hard because we are surrounded by it so much but they did it. No only did it reverse his wife’s diabetes but he was a healthier person all around both physically and mentally. It really does have an affect on how we act daily and causes our emotions to tense up. We don’t need it to be happy there are other ways to live and probably for a lot longer because our bodies and minds are actually moving. People forget that even just 100 years ago people were able to life and be happy with just the company of those surrounding them. A world that involves more face-to-face communication, and struggle to get information is very possible but is the world we live in now ready to handle something like that?

So what? Everyday as we sit on our couches, eating our super sized meals, twiddling our thumbs on our full keyboards, where we are constantly updating THE WORLD on every moment of every second of our lives, actual bad things are happening. People are starving, dehydrated; suicide bombers are killing themselves and communities for what? What is provoking all of this? When we watch the news about all of the bad stuff happening it is just making us more depressed so we pick up habits like over eating and smoking, and drinking, and drugs. Is this the purpose intended to fulfill a meaningful life filled with reason? Why do we do the things we do? Technology is worsening and decreasing our life span and happiness in some ways. No we cant determine what happiness is but how can we be happy in the moment we are in when we are constantly being reminded of all the bad?

Friday, November 6, 2009

Personal Grades

POV: 2.75
Evidence: 3
Effective Organization: 2.5
Connections and Significance: 2
Opposing POV: 3
Communication Written: 2
Communication Performance: 2

Total: 17.25

Comments on Drafts

Hi Mohammed,

FIrst of all if its possible try to organize this so its easier to read because I can't really understand it fully in the way you organized it. I really only noticed one solid quote so it would probably be helpful to look up more evidence online. I think the second thesis is better and more powerful. I feel like you kept repeating yourself with a lot of the arguments and you may need to rethink your arguments so that you have multiply ideas. Post a revised draft if you have one so that I can comment it.

HW 17 PART 2

Hi Hannah,
I broke down the comments so that there are suggestions for each part of your paper.

I like your EQ, as for your thesis maybe you could say: The Digital World defines reality off of stimulation's and representations from technology.

Argument One: I think the way you related it to yourself is actually quite interesting. Maybe you can explain exactly what you do instead of using technology. I think that would show the reader the endless possibilities of alternatives. In reality what you are saying is quite true to most teens, we are absorbed with the gadgets.

Argument Two: I feel like your Argument One and Argument Two are very similar. You discuss how it is a way to keep in touch. Maybe you can elaborate your Argument Two more with strong evidence of it besides what your Mom said.

Argument Three: I find this very interesting, I don't have my notes in front of me but I know that Andy talked a great deal about this idea. Maybe you can try to interview someone who lives in the country and compare it to a city kid. I have a feeling that the results would be very different.

Conclusion: Make sure it connects back to whatever your thesis ends up being.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Rough Draft - Final Paper

What over looked damage is the obsession of technology leading to?

It may be cliché to start out a paper with a definition but I believe that what is about to be defined plays a key role in the construction of forming these ideas. Addiction: 1: the quality or state of being addicted, 2: compulsive physiological need for a habit-forming drug. (Webster Ninth New Collegiate Dictionary) Why do we get addicted? What triggers it in our brain to feel the constant need for repetition? "Addictions," says Joseph Frascella, director of the division of clinical neuroscience at the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA), "are repetitive behaviors in the face of negative consequences, the desire to continue something you know is bad for you." The more we are told to not do something the more likely we are to continue to keep doing it or start doing it. Through the overuse of technology present throughout the United States not only is it leading to addiction but also to more severe health problems, both physically and mentally.

Looking back at history there have been times where it is socially accepted to have a heavier build. People found as though when someone was larger it was a symbol of wealth verses someone who was thinner which symbolized lower class. It is very clear today from not only the media but also the way our society stereotypes people that when an overweight person is seen people view them as lazy and poor. Neither the less it has been proven that being overweight can lead to major long term health problems and also everyday problems. In nearly the past 30 years the obesity rate in the United States as gone from the national average being 15% to 25% in the year 2009. It is due to unhealthy eating habits, non-nutritional meals in our schools and high food prices. The National Strategy to Combat Obesity listed in F as in Fat 2009 – Trust for America’s Health, listed polices that could decrease the obesity rate. “Provide healthy foods and beverages to students at schools, Increase the availability of affordable healthy foods in all communities, Increase the frequency, intensity, and duration of physical activity at school, Improve access to safe and healthy places to live, work, learn, and play, Limit screen time and encourage employers to provide workplace wellness programs.” The professionals flat out said that our nation needs more physical activity and less screen time. By either creating these habits and or stopping bad habits it will help people who have either addiction to food or bad eating habits due to technology, will make a difference to their general health. These health problems that are partially due to overuse of technology can lead to even worse issues such as diabetes, heart attacks, bad cholesterol etc.

As the generation that has literally had technology at their fingertips since the second of arriving to this planet one would think that we would be the most addicted. After several experiments done in the heart of a place filled with many different types of people, conclusions have been formed. Regardless to when you start, once you start using technology you are automatically becoming part of a cyber world that is pretty physically impossible to exit. While conducting interviews with complete strangers the average person was an adult and spent approximately 6 hours a day using technology. Now that number could be completely off because the person was embarrassed to admit their actual number considering humans don’t like to admit to problems. Most of the people interviewed except for one said that if they had children they would allow them to use technology except for one person who thought they would be better off outside. As a big technology user I will admit that I watch Television on Mondays and Thursdays. Sometimes I watch it if I really have nothing else to do but usually there is nothing on that really sparks my interest. I am constantly texting in less I am sleeping or my mother takes my phone away. I am usually on the computer when I have spare moments or I am not outside or at School. Honestly I know I have a problem. The interesting thing is though that my parents didn’t allow me to watch television till I was about two. When I asked my mom why she said: “We decided there were more important things for you to be doing.” Yet even though for 2 years out of my almost 17 years of being alive I wasn’t exposed to as much technology I am just as addicted as the teen sitting next to me who has always had it in their life. That’s what’s interesting that once you start there really is no turning back.

As a world dealing with the current issue of global warming, shouldn’t this be a huge STOP sign that we hit? All of the warnings are being made so clear but yet the ideas being proposed to us are making no impact on our actions following them. Yeah some people are buying solar cars and some people are building homes with solar panels but is everyone, no? There are a lot of people that cant afford to spend large amounts of money on new fancy equipment that is going to help slow down the process of the damage previous generations and current generations are causing. A huge leader though in trying to move forward is should have been president, and vice president Al Gore. It seems as though by not gaining power of the United States he took a turn in a positive direction to help inform the country of things a previous president neglected. In one of his very important speeches, A Generational Challenge to Repower America he stated: “In order to foster international cooperation, it is also essential that the United States rejoin the global community and lead efforts to secure an international treaty at Copenhagen in December of next year that includes a cap on CO2 emissions and a global partnership that recognizes the necessity of addressing the threats of extreme poverty and disease as part of the world's agenda for solving the climate crisis.” All of the pollution being exposed to our planet is not only hurting the health of our environment but the health of the living creatures on it, humans included. What leads back to all of this external damage though is the technology that is giving off negative affects which is creating negative affects to our health. “But if we grab hold of that common thread and pull it hard, all of these complex problems begin to unravel and we will find that we're holding the answer to all of them right in our hand. 
The answer is to end our reliance on carbon-based fuels.” (Al Gore) No one is saying that we have to suffer we are just to lazy and don’t care about long term affects because we are always so focused on what’s going on with others verses how certain decisions are having affect on us.

Lastly though focusing on the matter of mental health. People in this world tend to have very large ideas and know that the only way to express these ideas is through action and words, by making a statement. The truth is we don’t know what’s going to happen with our addictions and we have no idea how different or similar our lifestyles will be in 5 or 10 years. Although in the 1990’s there was a man who tried warning us too bad we didn’t listen better. Going by the name of the “Unabomber” his statement although violent could of made a huge impact on the future. He was trying to make the idea that technology was the reasoning of many of the problems the world was facing. “The bomber sent more devices throughout the 1980s and 1990s, and he wounded and killed several people during his violent career. The UNAbomber eventually mailed a letter in which he threatened to continue his campaign of terror unless The New York Times and other newspapers published a lengthy "manifesto" in which the bomber blamed modern technology for the woes of the world. Editors consulted with authorities and subsequently published the manifesto with the hope that someone might recognize the style and thoughts of the bomber.” The hate for the overuse of technology classified him as a crazy person. In reality though maybe the way he showed his opinion was crazy but the deeper meaning was right on point. The over usage of devices lead him to be mentally unstable to the point where he acted in dangerous manners. It wasn’t necessarily his fault though he was frustrated with the way the world was reacting to gadgets, and wanted to make a change.

Although we must consider the fact that it is possible to live a perfectly fine life without the need for machine. Take for example Amish people. They have no technology incorporated into their lives. They have alternatives and can still function normally. Essentially though they are much more aware of their bodies than we are. Since most of the day we are so embodied we forget to step back and make sure that we are functioning properly because we forget to think about the critical parts of what’s going inside. While people like the Amish can take more time to focus on their health. People forget that it is physically possible to conduct a technology free life. Another example of a group of people who were able to live healthier lives without technology is Colin Beaven from the book “No Impact Man”, which is now a movie as well. He and his family decided that for a year they would literally not use any technology. It was hard because we are surrounded by it so much but they did it. No only did it reverse his wife’s diabetes but he was a healthier person all around both physically and mentally. It really does have an affect on how we act daily and causes our emotions to tense up. We don’t need it to be happy there are other ways to live and probably for a lot longer because our bodies and minds are actually moving. People forget that even just 100 years ago people were able to life and be happy with just the company of those surrounding them. A world that involves more face-to-face communication, and struggle to get information is very possible but is the world we live in now ready to handle something like that?

So what? Everyday as we sit on our couches, eating our super sized meals, twiddling our thumbs on our full keyboards, where we are constantly updating THE WORLD on every moment of every second of our lives, actual bad things are happening. People are starving, dehydrated; suicide bombers are killing themselves and communities for what? What is provoking all of this? When we watch the news about all of the bad stuff happening it is just making us more depressed so we pick up habits like over eating and smoking, and drinking, and drugs. Is this the purpose intended to fulfill a meaningful life filled with reason? Why do we do the things we do? Technology is worsening and decreasing our life span and happiness. No we cant determine what happiness is but how can we be happy in the moment we are in when we are constantly being reminded of all the bad?

Revision for Final Paper

Brief Revision:

What over looked damage is the obsession of technology leading to?

Thesis: Through the over use of technology present throughout the United States not only is it leading to addiction but also to more severe health problems

Argument 1: Obesity Rate increasing rapidly throughout the USA.

Argument 2: Once you start you cannot stop, regardless of the age that the use of technology is starting at.

Argument 3: Pollution caused by man made technology machines isn’t doing any good.

Argument 4: Violence endangering the well being of citizens caused by frustration of technology.

Monday, November 2, 2009


Hi Mohammed,

Here are my suggestions; I broke it down by each section…

Thesis Revision: I think that you have a good start to your thesis but I think rewording it might be a good idea. I would say: The overuse of technology present in the USA shows signs of laziness and unhealthy behavior. Which leads to a nation of indoor activity and bad eating habits.

Argument 1 Revision: I think this paragraph has a good start; I think that for your evidence should focus around someone who used to live in the Middle East and now lives in the United States. You said that we are a dumber nation, what is your proof of that? There are smart people in this country and so what if they are on the phones 24/7?

Argument 2 Revision: I think you have a good idea going for this…Maybe you can discuss the movie Wall-E, and it can be your evidence of the US obesity rate rising. Also the rate of diabetes rising.

Argument 3 Revision: WRITE IT!

Conclusion Revision: Make sure the point you are trying to come across is made clear through your evidence!

HW 16

Thesis: Digitization in the United States is much more severe than in other countries and the overuse starts at a much earlier age in this country.

Argument 1: Without so much use of technology incorporated into peoples lives, people seem to succeed more in positive areas. With all of the distraction of the web, cellphones, TV and video games people tend to neglect school work and homework. People use technology as a way to procrastinate and avoid being active, which leads to an extreme problem of laziness.

Argument 2: Personally a student at School of the Future used to live in a country where good grades and intelligence counted more than new gadgets and materialistic ways of life. When he moved to the United States from the Middle East he realized shortly his addiction to texting. He is aware that most teenagers in his previous country did not have the access to I-pods or Cell Phones, he stated that because of this they strived to learn to the maximum, so that in their lives would be better.

Argument 3: Children of younger ages are becoming part of this digital world earlier and earlier in life. Meaning that once they reach an older age they will have a much higher addiction then someone who was placed in the world at a later age. Most parents when asked during surveys didn't say that they were going to or would completely exile technology from their children's life's. The parents have an influence on the way their children act because they are the ones raising them. So when parents complain about faces being glued to screens they forget that essentially the only reason their children ever got addicted was because they introduced it to them originally.