Monday, November 16, 2009

HW 23

Cool…why does it matter? Is it because for that moment you think you are so much better than everyone else? Does that feeling give us satisfaction? In all honesty I don’t think one person is better than another we are all just people. We all have emotions and we all have feelings, why do we find the constant need to impress? Are we afraid that when we die no one will remember us? Ironically though most of the people we are surrounded by in the present moment after graduation will never see us again. So why waste so much time trying to prove something to the world? In a very short amount of time there will just be a new audience waiting for us.  

If I was forced to define “cool” my idea of it is most likely different than others. I remember in 6th grade on picture day there was a girl who decided to wear a tutu to school, I was so jealous. I wanted to be able to be brave and not care what others thought; I was envious of her and thought she was so cool. When people don’t care about what others think and don’t care what others will or might say it really does make them cooler. They would rather act like themselves than mimic someone else to fit in with the crowd. I honestly think when people try hard and it’s really obvious they are the farthest thing from cool. Maybe the crowd they are with doesn’t even notice the fakeness of their personality and interaction with others but from an onlooker I think it is very clear.  

I think sometimes people automatically assume that if ones name is known they are classified as cool. I disagree completely, just because people know who you are doesn’t mean its for a good thing. It could be because you did something stupid and gave yourself a bad reputation and a bunch of rumors. Do people honestly believe that this person rocks? Getting talked about by others doesn’t mean that you are cool because a lot of that talk could be negative. Take setting into account as well yeah maybe someone is cool in one environment but if they were plopped into another world they are not necessarily going to win the cool medal or wear a sticker saying “Hi my name is cool”. Cool can’t be determined from one small group of people or even a large group. Everyone has there own taste of what they feel defines someone as cool.  

It frustrates me so much that our society is so obsessive with being cool.  I mean I am sure there are people out there who believe that I think I am cool because as humans we are always making accusations.  I don’t think I am cool at all, I think I am who I am.  Either you like me or you don’t but I don’t go around trying to impress every person I meet.  I will admit though that depending on the situation I am in sometimes I change my attitude slightly to relate to who I am with more.  This is not to say I change my complete personality but maybe talk about things that spark more connection.  This is so cheesy but I think its better to be yourself than waste your whole life being someone else. 

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